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Atma are unique key item enhancements, usable only in Abyssea, that are rewarded by successfully defeating Abyssean Notorious Monsters.

Obtaining Atma

Upon defeat of a relevant Abyssean Notorious Monster:

  • Each member, of the entire party/alliance that defeated the monster, may obtain the Atma
    • The chance of obtaining an Atma is low, less than 20%.
    • You will obtain the Atma even if you are KO'd at the time the monster is killed.
    • Chances of obtaining Atmas from VNMs (Abyssea Voidwalker Notorious Monsters) are the same as any other Atma.

Once you've obtained an Atma, and you possess the key item KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite, you may have the Atma infused by an Atma Infusionist in an Abyssea zone. All Atma infusionists require a static fee of 100 Cruor for each and every Atma infused.

  • Only one Atma may be active at one time per KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite.
  • If a player possesses all three KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite, they can infuse 3 Atma at one time.
  • The effects from Atma will stack, for example with both Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity and Atma of the Stormbird's effects active on a player, the total refresh will be 15mp/tick without any gear or spells.
    • You may be awarded a KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite after defeating Eccentric Eve.
    • You may also purchase a KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite from a Cruor Prospector for 100,000 Cruor in any of the these Abyssea areas:
      • Abyssea - Vunkerl
      • Abyssea - Misareaux
      • Abyssea - Attohwa
    • You may be awarded a KeyItem.pngLunar Abyssite after defeating Shinryu.

Once active, an Atma will bestow specific bonuses upon you for the duration of your stay in Abyssea. The type and degree of these bonuses vary widely depending on the Atma activated (with stronger NMs often yielding stronger Atma); however, by player standards, most of the bonuses are tremendously powerful.

Atma do not leave your key items once aquired, and as such can be used an unlimited number of times. If you leave Abyssea, all Atma effects are removed and must be re-infused, upon your return, as desired. You may also elect to have the Atma Infusionist remove all of the Atma status effects from you for 1 gil; however, you still must pay the usual 100 Cruor fee per Atma if you wish to instead have different Atma infused.

Atma which grant specific elemental attack bonuses, such as Atma of the Beyond (which grants Ice and Light Attack: + Major), are applied as a bonus to your base Magic Affinity, instead of a bonus to your Magic Attack.

Strength of the buff increases from Minor > Major > Superior.
The actual potency of enhancements vary by Atma, they are not static amounts.

  • Refer to a stated numerical value next to a potency for the actual potency value an Atma applies.

Atma effects applicable to players do not extend to familiars, pet wyverns, and summoned avatars.

Atma Set Management

  • Player Commands, for Atma Set management, available only on HomepointXI, have been added for your ease of use:
    • The list of Atmas presented to you by the Atma Infusionist will only display atmas that you had already previously acquired. The list may be quite extensive, depending on how many atmas you had already previously acquired.
    • An Atma Set can hold a maximum of 3 atmas.
    • Currently, you are able to save/restore up to 3 Atma Sets.
    • Saving an Atma Set — An Atma Set can be saved thru the use of the !atma# save Player Command. !atma# save will save, for later use, the atma(s) you have currently infused to whichever Atma Set "#" you specify.
      • Example: !atma1 save will save your currently infused atmas to Atma Set 1.
      • Paired with !atma# restore.
    • Restoring an Atma Set — A previously saved Atma Set can be restored/re-applied thru the use of the !atma# restore Player Command. !atma# restore will restore/re-apply whichever Atma Set that you had previously saved to that Atma Set #.
      • Example: !atma3 restore will restore/re-apply the Atma Set that you had previously saved to Atma Set 3.
      • Paired with !atma# save.
      • The !atma# restore command will still expend the same amount of Cruor like if you had manually infused the atmas in that Atma Set.
      • As a QoL enhancement, the !atma# restore command also restores any Status Enhancements already applied when an Atma Set had been saved, using the !atma# save command.
        • Replace the "#" in the above commands with a number from 1 to 3, corresponding to whichever Atma Set you wish to save to or restore from.
    • Atmas that you had infused with the Atma Infusionist WILL NOT BE AUTOMATICALLY SAVED! Please don't forget to save independently infused atmas to an Atma Set if you wish to restore that Atma Set at a later time!
      • Please infuse carefully.

Abyssea - La Theine

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of Allure MP+: Superior (+30%) MND+: Major (+30) Enmity-: Major (-30) Carabosse
Atma of the Baying Moon Attack+: Major (+30) "Magic Attack Bonus"+: Major (+30) Lugarhoo
Atma of the Ebon Hoof HP+: Superior (+30%) Enhances "Resist Sleep" Effect+: Superior (+50) Dozing Dorian
Atma of Eternity Enemy Critical Hit Rate-: Minor (-20%) Enhances "Resist Slow" Effect+: Major (+30) Enhances "Resist Curse" Effect+: Major (+30) Ruminator
Atma of the Heavens Magic Accuracy+: Major (+30) Physical Damage Taken-: Minor (-10%) Enhances "Resist Paralyze" Effect+: Major (+30) Ovni
Atma of the Lion "Triple Attack"+: Major (+7%) Physical Damage Taken-: Minor (-10%) Element: ThunderAttack+: Major (+30%) Hadhayosh
Atma of the Savage Tiger AGI+: Major (+30) "Double Attack"+: Minor (+5%) Megantereon
Atma of the Stout Arm STR+: Major (+40) Attack+: Superior (+50) Ranged Attack+: Major (+100) Briareus
Atma of Tremors Damage Taken-: Minor (-5%) Enhances "Resist Silence" Effect+: Major (+30) Megamaw Mikey
Atma of the Twin Claw Defense+: Major (+40) "Magic Defense Bonus"+: Minor (+20) Enhances "Resist Charm" Effect+: Minor (+20) Karkinos

Abyssea - Konschtat

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of Cloak and Dagger Accuracy+: Major (+40) Evasion+: Major (+40) Enhances "Resist Death" Effect+: Minor (+20) Bloodeye Vileberry
Atma of the Drifter Ranged Attack+: Major (+30) Ranged Accuracy+: Major (+30) Khalamari
Atma of Gales Element: WindAttack+: Major (+30) Element: WindAccuracy+: Major (+30) Alkonost
Atma of the Noxious Fang "Subtle Blow"+: Major (+30) Element: WaterAttack+: Major (+40) Enhances "Resist Poison" Effect+: Major (+30) Kukulkan
Atma of the Stormbird Element: WindAccuracy+: Major (+30) Element: ThunderAccuracy+: Major (+30) "Refresh"+: Minor (+5 MP/tick) Turul
Atma of Stormbreath VIT+: Major (+30) Breath Damage Taken-: Major (-30%) Balaur
Atma of Thrashing Tendrils CHR+: Major (+30) Critical Hit Rate+: Minor (+10%) Raskovnik
Atma of Vicissitude Defense+: Major (+40) "Magic Defense Bonus"+: Minor (+15) "Regen"+: Major (+15 HP/tick) Fistule
Atma of the Voracious Violet STR+: Superior (+50) "Double Attack"+: Major (+10%) "Regain"+: Minor (+20 TP/tick) Eccentric Eve

Abyssea - Tahrongi

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of the Adamantine VIT+: Minor (+20) Defense+: Major (+40) Chukwa
Atma of Baleful Bones STR+: Minor (+20) Element: DarkAccuracy+: Major (+30) Mictlantecuhtli
Atma of Calamity Enhances "Resist Slow" Effect+: Major (+30) Enhances "Resist Blind" Effect+: Major (+30) Adze
Atma of the Claw Element: EarthAttack+: Major (+30) Element: EarthAccuracy+: Major (+30) Cuelebre
Atma of the Cosmos Element: DarkAttack+: Major (+40) Enhances "Resist Amnesia" Effect+: Major (+30) Enhances "Resist Silence" Effect+: Major (+30) Iratham
Atma of Dunes Enhances "Drain" and "Aspir" Effects+: Major (+20%) "Store TP"+: Minor (+20) Enhances "Resist Slow" Effect+: Major (+30) Glavoid
Atma of the Harvester STR+: Major (+30) "Double Attack"+: Major (+10%) Enhances "Resist Sleep" Effect+: Major (+30) Chloris
Atma of the Impaler "Double Attack"+: Major (+10%) Enhances "Resist Bind" Effect+: Major (+30) Enhances "Resist Blind" Effect+: Major (+30) Myrmecoleon
Atma of the Siren Shadow Attack+: Major (+40) Evasion+: Major (+40) Enhances "Resist Paralyze" Effect+: Major (+30) Usurper
Atma of the Stronghold Attack+: Major (+40) Defense+: Major (+40) "Regen"+: Major (+15 HP/tick) Lacovie

Abyssea - Attohwa

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of the Clawed Butterfly Element: FireAccuracy+: Major (+30) INT+: Major (+30) Conserve TP: Major (+30) Itzpapalotl
Atma of the Demonic Skewer STR+: Minor (+20) TP Bonus+: Minor (+20) Occasionally Nullifies Physical Damage (5%) Lusca
Atma of the Desert Worm MND+: Minor (+20) Element: EarthAccuracy+: Major (+30) Occasionally Annuls Magic Damage Taken (5%) Ulhuadshi
Atma of the Glutinous Ooze MND+: Minor (+20) Element: WaterAccuracy: Minor (+20) Berstuk
Atma of the Golden Claw Skillchain Bonus+: Minor (+20) STR+: Minor (+20) Kampe
Atma of the Impregnable Tower HP+: Superior (+30%) Magic Accuracy: Major (+30) Magic Critical Hit Damage+: Major (+30%) Yaanei
Atma of the Lightning Beast Fast Cast+: Minor (+5%) Spell Interruption Rate-: Minor (-14%) Maahes
Atma of the Noxious Bloom Store TP+: Minor (+10) "Waltz" Potency+: Minor (+10%) Nightshade
Atma of the Smoldering Sky Attack+: Minor (+20) Magic Critical Hit Rate+: Major (+30%) Element: FireAttack+: Major (+30) Smok
Atma of the Undying MND+: Superior (+50) Conserve MP+: Minor (+20) Element: IceAttack: Minor (+20) Titlacauan

Abyssea - Misareaux

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of the Bludgeoning Brute Regain+: Minor (+10 TP/tick) Element: ThunderResist+: Minor (+50) Element: WaterResist+: Minor (+50) Tristitia
Atma of the Cradle VIT+: Minor (+20) DEX+: Minor (+20) Karkatakam
Atma of the Deep Devourer Subtle Blow+: Minor (+5) Store TP+: Minor (+5) Song Casting Time-: Major (-25%) Cirein-croin
Atma of the Gnarled Horn AGI+: Major (Game typo, Major should be Superior) (+50) Critical Hit Rate+: Major (+20%) Counter+: Minor (10%) Sobek
Atma of the Mounted Champion VIT+: Superior (+50) Regen+: Superior (+20 HP/tick) Enmity Decrease While Taking Damage-: Minor (-25) Kutharei
Atma of the Rapid Reptilian Triple Attack+: Minor (+5%) Breath Damage Taken-: Major (-30%) Nehebkau
Atma of the Razed Ruins DEX+: Superior (+50) Critical Hit Rate+: Superior (+30%) Critical Hit Damage+: Major (+30%) Ironclad Pulverizer
Atma of the Strangling Wind STR+: Minor (+20) VIT+: Minor (+20) AGI+: Major (+30) Amhuluk
Atma of the Untouched CHR+: Minor (+20) Triple Attack+: Minor (+5%) Nonno
Atma of the Winged Enigma Haste+: Minor (+1%) Enhances Effects of Rice Balls Avalerion

Abyssea - Vunkerl

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of Apparitions Evasion+: Minor (+15) Element: WindResist+: Major (+50) Seps
Atma of the Avaricious Ape Haste+: Minor (+1%) Enhances "Monster Correlation" effects Hanuman
Atma of the Blinding Horn Conserve MP+: Minor (+20) Element: ThunderAttack+: Major (+30) Magic Damage Taken-:Minor (-6%) Karkadann
Atma of the Demonic Lash Attack+: Major (+30) "Double Attack"+: Major (+10%) Occasionally absorbs magic damage: Superior (20%) Ketea
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity Refresh+: Major (+10 MP/tick) INT+: Superior (+50) Enmity-: Minor (-20) Durinn
Atma of the Murky Miasma Element: DarkResist+: Major (+50) Resist Stun+: Major (+30) Chhir Batti
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe HP+: Major (+20%) Critical Hit Damage+: Major (+30%) Enmity+: Minor (+20) Bukhis
Atma of the Shimmering Shell AGI+: Minor (+20) Element: FireResist+: Major (+50) Xan
Atma of the Tusked Terror Fast Cast+: Minor (+5%) Element: WaterAttack+: Minor (+20) Element: WaterAccuracy+: Minor (+20) Sedna
Atma of the Would-Be King "Regain"+: Minor (+10 TP/tick) Conserve TP: Minor (+20) TP Bonus: Minor (+20) Sippoy

Abyssea - Altepa

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of the Ascending One Element: WindResist+: Superior (+100) Haste+: Major(+5%) Enhances "Snapshot" effect+: Minor (+5) Bennu
Atma of the Brother Wolf "Magic Attack Bonus"+: Minor (+20) "Magic Defense Bonus"+: Major (+20) Element: FireResist+: Superior (+100) Orthrus
Atma of the Burning Effigy STR+: Minor (+20) Weapon Skill Damage+: Major (+20) Gain full benefit of Firesday/fire weather bonuses Brulo
Atma of the Crimson Scale Haste+: Minor (+3%) Enmity-: Minor (-20) Hazhdiha
Atma of the Earth Wyrm Element: EarthResist+: Superior (+100) Damage Taken-: Minor (-10%) Gain full benefit of Earthsday/earth weather bonuses Dragua
Atma of the Lone Wolf Attack+: Minor (+20) Element: FireMagic Attack+: Major (+30) Amarok
Atma of the Merciless Matriarch Magic Accuracy+: Superior (+50) Fast Cast+: Superior (+15%) (Same elemental magic as weather) Enmity-: Superior (-50) Rani
Atma of the Raised Tail Attack+: Minor (+20) Enhances "Resist Paralyze" effect: Superior (+50) Shaula
Atma of the Sand Emperor Accuracy+: Major (+30) Evasion+: Major (+30) Emperador de Altepa
Atma of the Scarlet Wing Elemental Magic Skill+: Major (+10) Gain full benefit of Windsday/wind weather bonuses Ouzelum
Atma of the Scorpion Queen Store TP+: Major (+20) Critical Hit Rate+: Minor (+10%) Enhances "Resist Bind" effect+: Superior (+50) Hedjedjet
Atma of the Smiting Blow TP Bonus: Superior (+100) (2H weapon equipped)Weapon Skill Accuracy+: Superior (+50) Ironclad Smiter
Atma of a Thousand Needles HP+: Major (+20%) MP+: Major (+20%) DEX+: Minor (+10) Cuijatender

Abyssea - Uleguerand

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of Blighted Breath Song Recast Delay-: Superior (-10) Enhances "Dia" effect: Major (+2) Kur
Atma of the Crushing Cudgel Accuracy+: Major (+30) (2H weapon equipped)Weapon Skill Damage+: Minor (+10) Ironclad Triturator
Atma of the Frozen Fetters INT+: Minor (+20) Element: IceResist+: Superior (+100) Gain full benefit of Iceday/ice weather bonuses Isgebind
Atma of the Holy Mountain Element: LightResist+: Superior (+100) Element: LightMagic Accuracy+: Major (+30) Gain full benefit of Lightsday/light weather bonuses Indrik
Atma of the Lake Lurker MND+: Minor (+20) Element: WaterResist+:Superior (+100) Gain full benefit of Watersday/water weather bonuses Ogopogo
Atma of the Omnipotent DEX+: Superior (+50) Haste+: Superior (+10%) Enmity+: Minor (+20) Pantokrator
Atma of the Persistent Predator "Store TP"+: Major (+20) Occasionally increases TP gained when taking damage Awahondo
Atma of the Plaguebringer "Regen"+: Minor (+10 HP/tick) "Store TP"+: Major (+20) "Double Attack"+: Minor (+5%) Resheph
Atma of Purgatory VIT+: Major (+25) INT+: Major (+25) Dhorme Khimaira
Atma of the Shrieking One Defense+: Superior (+50) "Magic Defense Bonus"+: Minor (+20) Conserve TP+: Major (+30) Empousa
Atma of the Stone God "Subtle Blow"+: Major (+30) Enmity+: Major (+40) Blanga
Atma of the Sun Eater "Store TP"+: Major (+20) Conserve TP: Major (+30) Yaguarogui
Atma of the War Lion DEX+: Minor (+20) Element: ThunderResist+: Superior (+100) Gain full benefit of Lightningday/lightning weather bonuses Apademak

Abyssea - Grauberg

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of Aquatic Ardor Occasionally absorbs physical damage: Minor (5%) Occasionally absorbs magic damage: Minor (5%) Melo Melo
Atma of the Despot CHR+: Superior (+50) Occasionally absorbs magic damage: Major (15%) Save TP: Major (+10) Raja
Atma of the Endless Nightmare MND+: Minor (+20) Element: DarkResist+: Superior (+100) Gain full benefit of Darksday/dark weather bonuses Maere
Atma of Entwined Serpents Attack+: Minor (+20) "Double Attack"+: Major (+10%) Ningishzida
Atma of the Fallen One INT+: Major (+30) MND+: Major (+30) Teugghia
Atma of Fires and Flares AGI+: Minor (+20) Ranged Attack+: Major (+40) Bomblix Flamefinger
Atma of the Foe Flayer MP+: Minor (+100) Daytime:Refresh+: Superior (+30 MP/tick) Addle+: Superior (+15%) Fleshflayer Killakriq
Atma of the Hateful Stream Depending on Day: Enhances Magic Accuracy and Elemental Magic Depending on Day: ElementalWeapon Skill Damage+: Minor (+10) Fuath
Atma of the Horned Beast Accuracy+: Superior (+50) Enhances "Resist Petrify" effect: Superior (+50) Deelgeed
Atma of the Sea Daughter "Regain"+: Superior (+50 TP/tick) "Slow"+: Superior (+15%) Daytime:"Regen"+: Superior (+30 HP/tick) Amphitrite
Atma of the Solitary One Triple Attack+: Minor (+5%) Breath Damage Taken-: Major (-30%) Enhances "Zanshin" effect: Minor (+30%) Alfard
Atma of the Sundering Slash Attack+: Minor (+20) (2H weapon equipped)"Regain"+: Major (30 TP/tick) Ironclad Sunderer
Atma of the Winged Gloom Enhances resistance against "Death": Major (+30) Damage Taken-: Major (-25%) "Damage Over Time (Slip Damage)": Superior (-30 HP/tick) Azdaja

Abyssea - Empyreal Paradox

Atma Name Effect Obtained from
Atma of the Apocalypse "Triple Attack"+: Superior (15%) Quick Magic: Superior (10%) "Auto-Reraise": Superior (Reraise III) Shinryu

Atma by Enhancement (Attributes)

Attributes Atma Potency Amount
HP Atma of the Ebon Hoof Superior +30%
Atma of the Impregnable Tower Superior +30%
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe Major +20%
Atma of a Thousand Needles Major +20%
MP Atma of Allure Superior +30%
Atma of a Thousand Needles Major +20%
Atma of the Foe Flayer Minor +10%
STR Atma of the Voracious Violet Superior +50
Atma of the Harvester Major +30
Atma of the Stout Arm Major +40
Atma of Baleful Bones Minor +20
Atma of the Burning Effigy Minor +20
Atma of the Demonic Skewer Minor +20
Atma of the Golden Claw Minor +20
Atma of the Strangling Wind Minor +20
DEX Atma of the Omnipotent Superior +50
Atma of the Razed Ruins Superior +50
Atma of the Cradle Minor +20
Atma of the War Lion Minor +20
Atma of a Thousand Needles Minor +10
VIT Atma of the Mounted Champion Superior +50
Atma of Stormbreath Major +30
Atma of Purgatory Major +25
Atma of the Adamantine Minor +20
Atma of the Cradle Minor +20
Atma of the Strangling Wind Minor +20
AGI Atma of the Gnarled Horn Superior +50
Atma of the Savage Tiger Major +30
Atma of the Strangling Wind Major +30
Atma of Fires and Flares Minor +20
Atma of the Shimmering Shell Minor +20
INT Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity Superior +50
Atma of the Clawed Butterfly Major +30
Atma of the Fallen One Major +30
Atma of Purgatory Major +25
Atma of the Frozen Fetters Minor +20
MND Atma of the Undying Superior +50
Atma of Allure Major +30
Atma of the Fallen One Major +30
Atma of the Desert Worm Minor +20
Atma of the Endless Nightmare Minor +20
Atma of the Glutinous Ooze Minor +20
Atma of the Lake Lurker Minor +20
CHR Atma of the Despot Superior +50
Atma of Thrashing Tendrils Major +30
Atma of the Untouched Minor +20

Atma by Enhancement (Combat Skills)

Combat Skills Atma Potency Amount
Accuracy Atma of the Horned Beast Superior +50
Atma of Cloak and Dagger Major +40
Atma of the Sand Emperor Major +30
Atma of the Crushing Cudgel Major +30
Attack Atma of the Stout Arm Superior +50
Atma of the Siren Shadow Major +40
Atma of the Stronghold Major +40
Atma of the Baying Moon Major +30
Atma of the Demonic Lash Major +30
Atma of Entwined Serpents Minor +20
Atma of the Lone Wolf Minor +20
Atma of the Raised Tail Minor +20
Atma of the Smoldering Sky Minor +20
Atma of the Sundering Slash Minor +20
Defense Atma of the Shrieking One Superior +50
Atma of the Twin Claw Major +40
Atma of Vicissitude Major +40
Atma of the Stronghold Major +40
Atma of the Adamantine Major +40
Evasion Atma of Cloak and Dagger Major +40
Atma of the Siren Shadow Major +40
Atma of the Sand Emperor Major +30
Atma of Apparitions Minor +15
Ranged Attack Atma of the Stout Arm Major +100
Atma of Fires and Flares Major +40
Atma of the Drifter Major +30
Ranged Accuracy Atma of the Drifter Major +30
Magic Accuracy Atma of the Merciless Matriarch Superior +50
Atma of the Heavens Major +30
Atma of the Impregnable Tower Major +30
Magic Attack Bonus Atma of the Baying Moon Major +30
Atma of the Beyond Major +30
Atma of the Brother Wolf Minor +20
Magic Defense Bonus Atma of the Brother Wolf Minor +20
Atma of the Shrieking One Minor +20
Atma of the Twin Claw Minor +20
Atma of Vicissitude Minor +15
Enemy Critical Hit Rate Atma of Eternity Minor -20
Critical Hit Rate Atma of the Razed Ruins Superior +30%
Atma of the Gnarled Horn Major +20%
Atma of the Scorpion Queen Minor +10%
Atma of Thrashing Tendrils Minor +10%
Critical Hit Damage Atma of the Razed Ruins Major +30%
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe Major +30%

Atma by Enhancement (Melee)

Special Effect (Melee) Atma Potency Amount
Counter Atma of the Gnarled Horn Minor +10%
Conserve TP Atma of the Clawed Butterfly Major +30
Atma of the Shrieking One Major +30
Atma of the Sun Eater Major +30
Atma of the Would-Be King Minor +20
Double Attack Atma of the Demonic Lash Major +10%
Atma of Entwined Serpents Major +10%
Atma of the Harvester Major +10%
Atma of the Impaler Major +10%
Atma of the Voracious Violet Major +10%
Atma of the Plaguebringer Minor +5%
Atma of the Savage Tiger Minor +5%
Triple Attack Atma of the Apocalypse Superior +15%
Atma of the Lion Major +7%
Atma of the Rapid Reptilian Minor +5%
Atma of the Solitary One Minor +5%
Atma of the Untouched Minor +5%
Haste Atma of the Omnipotent Superior +10%
Atma of the Ascending One Major +5%
Atma of the Crimson Scale Minor +3%
Atma of the Avaricious Ape Minor +1%
Atma of the Winged Enigma Minor +1%
Weapon Skill Accuracy Atma of the Smiting Blow Superior +50
Weapon Skill Damage Atma of the Burning Effigy Major +20
Atma of the Crushing Cudgel Minor +10
Atma of the Hateful Stream Minor +10
Skillchain Bonus Atma of the Golden Claw Minor +20
Save TP Atma of the Despot Major +10
Snapshot Atma of the Ascending One Minor +5
Store TP Atma of Dunes Major +20
Atma of the Persistent Predator Major +20
Atma of the Plaguebringer Major +20
Atma of the Scorpion Queen Major +20
Atma of the Sun Eater Major +20
Atma of the Noxious Bloom Minor +10
Atma of the Deep Devourer Minor +5
Subtle Blow Atma of the Noxious Fang Major +30
Atma of the Stone God Major +30
Atma of the Deep Devourer Minor +5
TP Bonus Atma of the Smiting Blow Superior +100
Atma of the Demonic Skewer Minor +20
Atma of the Would-Be King Minor +20
Waltz Potency Atma of the Noxious Bloom Minor +10%
Zanshin Atma of the Solitary One Minor +30%

Atma by Enhancement (Magic)

Special Effect (Magic) Atma Potency Amount
Elemental Magic Skill Atma of the Scarlet Wing Major +10
Conserve MP Atma of the Blinding Horn Minor +20
Atma of the Undying Minor +20
Enhances "Dia" effect Atma of Blighted Breath Major +2
Enhances "Drain" and "Aspir" Effects Atma of Dunes Major +20%
Fast Cast Atma of the Merciless Matriarch Superior +15%
Atma of the Lightning Beast Minor +5%
Atma of the Tusked Terror Minor +5%
Quick Magic Atma of the Apocalypse Superior +10%
Magic Critical Hit Damage Atma of the Impregnable Tower Major +30%
Magic Critical Hit Rate Atma of the Smoldering Sky Major +30%
Song Casting Time Atma of the Deep Devourer Major -25%
Song Recast Delay Atma of Blighted Breath Superior -10
Spell Interruption Rate Atma of the Lightning Beast Minor -14%

Atma by Enhancement (General)

Special Effect (General) Atma Potency Amount
Damage Taken Atma of the Winged Gloom Major -25%
Atma of the Earth Wyrm Minor -10%
Atma of Tremors Minor -5%
Physical Damage Taken Atma of the Heavens Minor -10%
Atma of the Lion Minor -10%
Magic Damage Taken Atma of the Blinding Horn Minor -6%
Breath Damage Taken Atma of the Rapid Reptilian Major -30%
Atma of Stormbreath Major -30%
Atma of the Solitary One Major -30%
Occasionally Nullifies Physical Damage Atma of the Demonic Skewer Minor +5%
Occasionally Absorbs Physical Damage Atma of Aquatic Ardor Minor +5%
Occasionally Annuls Magic Damage Taken Atma of the Desert Worm Minor +5%
Occasionally Absorbs Magic Damage Atma of the Demonic Lash Superior +20%
Atma of the Despot Major +15%
Atma of Aquatic Ardor Minor +5%
Addle Atma of the Foe Flayer Superior +15%
Enmity+ Atma of the Stone God Major +40
Atma of the Omnipotent Minor +20
Atma of the Sanguine Scythe Minor +20
Enmity- Atma of the Merciless Matriarch Superior -50
Atma of Allure Major -30
Atma of the Crimson Scale Minor -20
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity Minor -20
Enmity Decrease While Taking Damage Atma of the Mounted Champion Minor -25
Regen Atma of the Sea Daughter (Daytime)Superior +30 HP/tick
Atma of the Mounted Champion Major +20 HP/tick
Atma of the Stronghold Major +15 HP/tick
Atma of Vicissitude Major +15 HP/tick
Atma of the Plaguebringer Minor +10 HP/tick
Refresh Atma of the Foe Flayer (Daytime)Superior +30 MP/tick
Atma of the Minikin Monstrosity Major +10 MP/tick
Atma of the Stormbird Minor +5 MP/tick
Regain Atma of the Sea Daughter Superior +50 TP/tick
Atma of the Sundering Slash (2H weapon)Major +30 TP/tick
Atma of the Voracious Violet Minor +20 TP/tick
Atma of the Bludgeoning Brute Minor +10 TP/tick
Atma of the Would-Be King Minor +10 TP/tick
Auto Reraise Atma of the Apocalypse Superior Reraise III
Damage Over Time (Slip Damage) Atma of the Winged Gloom Superior -30 HP/tick

Atma by Enhancement (Status Resistance)

Status Resistance Atma Potency Amount
Resist Amnesia Atma of the Cosmos Major +30
Resist Bind Atma of the Scorpion Queen Superior +50
Atma of the Impaler Major +30
Resist Blind Atma of Calamity Major +30
Atma of the Impaler Major +30
Resist Charm Atma of the Twin Claw Minor +20
Resist Curse Atma of Eternity Major +30
Resist Death Atma of the Winged Gloom Major +30
Atma of Cloak and Dagger Minor +20
Resist Paralyze Atma of the Raised Tail Superior +50
Atma of the Heavens Major +30
Atma of the Siren Shadow Major +30
Resist Petrify Atma of the Horned Beast Superior +50
Resist Poison Atma of the Noxious Fang Major +30
Resist Silence Atma of the Cosmos Major +30
Atma of Tremors Major +30
Resist Sleep Atma of the Ebon Hoof Superior +50
Resist Slow Atma of Calamity Major +30
Atma of Dunes Major +30
Atma of Eternity Major +30
Resist Stun Atma of the Murky Miasma Major +30

Atma by Enhancement (Elemental Resistance)

Elemental Resistance Atma Potency Amount
Element: DarkResist Atma of the Endless Nightmare Superior +100
Atma of the Murky Miasma Major +50
Element: EarthResist Atma of the Earth Wyrm Superior +100
Element: FireResist Atma of the Brother Wolf Superior +100
Atma of the Shimmering Shell Major +50
Element: IceResist Atma of the Frozen Fetters Superior +100
Element: LightResist Atma of the Holy Mountain Superior +100
Element: ThunderResist Atma of the War Lion Superior +100
Atma of the Bludgeoning Brute Minor +50
Element: WaterResist Atma of the Lake Lurker Superior +100
Atma of the Bludgeoning Brute Minor +50
Element: WindResist Atma of the Ascending One Superior +100
Atma of Apparitions Major +50

Atma by Enhancement (Elemental Attack)

Elemental Attack Atma Potency Amount
Element: DarkAttack Atma of the Cosmos Major +40
Element: EarthAttack Atma of the Claw Major +30
Element: FireAttack Atma of the Lone Wolf Major +30
Atma of the Smoldering Sky Major +30
Element: IceAttack Atma of the Beyond Major +30
Atma of the Undying Minor +20
Element: LightAttack Atma of the Beyond Major +30
Element: ThunderAttack Atma of the Blinding Horn Major +30
Atma of the Lion Major +30
Element: WaterAttack Atma of the Noxious Fang Major +40
Atma of the Tusked Terror Minor +20
Element: WindAttack Atma of Gales Major +30

Atma by Enhancement (Elemental Accuracy)

Elemental Accuracy Atma Potency Amount
Element: DarkAccuracy Atma of Baleful Bones Major +30
Element: EarthAccuracy Atma of the Claw Major +30
Atma of the Desert Worm Major +30
Element: FireAccuracy Atma of the Clawed Butterfly Major +30
Element: LightAccuracy Atma of the Holy Mountain Major +30
Element: ThunderAccuracy Atma of the Stormbird Major +30
Element: WaterAccuracy Atma of the Glutinous Ooze Minor +20
Atma of the Tusked Terror Minor +20
Element: WindAccuracy Atma of Gales Major +30
Atma of the Stormbird Major +30

Atma by Enhancement (Day/Weather Bonuses)

Day/Weather Bonus Atma
Gain full benefit of Firesday/fire weather bonuses Atma of the Burning Effigy
Gain full benefit of Earthsday/earth weather bonuses Atma of the Earth Wyrm
Gain full benefit of Watersday/water weather bonuses Atma of the Lake Lurker
Gain full benefit of Windsday/wind weather bonuses Atma of the Scarlet Wing
Gain full benefit of Iceday/ice weather bonuses Atma of the Frozen Fetters
Gain full benefit of Lightningday/lightning weather bonuses Atma of the War Lion
Gain full benefit of Lightsday/light weather bonuses Atma of the Holy Mountain
Gain full benefit of Darksday/dark weather bonuses Atma of the Endless Nightmare
Depending on Day: Enhances Magic Accuracy and Elemental Magic Atma of the Hateful Stream
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