Dark Legacy

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Dark Legacy
Required Fame Bastok Fame Level: NA
Starting NPC Raibaht - Metalworks (G-8)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable Yes
Description You have been asked to find and bring back a book pertaining to the Galka's darksteel formula.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Blade of Darkness None
Raven Scythe


  • Speak with Raibaht to start quest.
  • Speak with Mighty Fist in Metalworks (G-9) (inside the forge) and you will receive a key item: Letter from the Darksteel Forge
  • Travel to Windurst Waters and speak to Cochal-Monchal (F-8) (North Map - Optistery)
  • Obtain a Yagudo Cherry from either a vendor or the auction house.
  • Travel to Giddeus (same distance from zone entrance and from HP, but only listing directions from zone entrance) and head towards H-14 on the map.
    • Take west path, hug right wall all the way to fork at (G-8)
    • Take east path at fork and drop down hole at (H-7).
    • After drop, hug left wall until (I-11).
      • DO NOT DROP OVER LEDGE AT (I-11)!!!
    • Hug west wall at (I-11) and south all the way to the ??? at (H-14).
  • This next action will spawn a NM: Vaa Huja the Erudite which will link with other Yagudos in the area, so you may want to clear the area and prep before doing so. Once you have reached (H-14), locate the ??? on the west wall and trade the Yagudo Cherry to it.
  • Defeat the NM and click on the ??? again. You will obtain a key item: "Darksteel Formula"
  • Return to Bastok and speak with Mighty Fist again.
  • Return to Raibaht and speak with him to complete quest.
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