Full Speed Ahead!

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Full Speed Ahead!
Required Fame Jeuno Fame Level: 1
Starting NPC Mapitoto, Upper Jeuno (G-7)
Pack None
Title Raptor Wrangler
Repeatable No
Description Hop on board Mapitoto's slightly hungry raptor and head to Batallia Downs. Seek out Syrillia once you have arrived.
Previous Quest Next Quest
Chocobo's Wounds None...for now...
  • A job at level 20.
  • KeyItem.pngChocobo license
  • Map of the Jeuno area
  • KeyItem.pngRaptor companion
  • KeyItem.pngTrainer's whistle
  • The ability to summon mounts


  • Speak to Mapitoto on any job level 20 or higher.
  • Accept the offer to feed her raptor as it is trying to bite off her nose like it's a tasty delicious little-wittle sausage.
  • She will mark several locations on your map to go to.
    • These are viewable on the map under the green NPC marker section.
      • You sense though that the raptor is hungry for a meal much larger than little bits of kibble scattered around a map.
  • You are then thrown out to Batallia Downs, automatically mounted on top of the hungry raptor.
    • All you have to do to complete this quest here on HomepointXI is ride the raptor across Batallia Downs and eat the NPC Syrillia.....ahem, I mean meet the NPC Syrillia at (E-6) (this raptor is such a clever girl).
  • After a CS with Syrillia you will be returned to Upper Jeuno.
  • Speak to Mapitoto once more to complete the quest and receive your rewards.
    • Note that you will directly receive the KeyItem.pngRaptor companion instead of the ♪Raptor astral notebook item.
  • Mounts can then be summoned thru usage of the Commands menu (select your own character (press F1 key on keyboard) and then press Enter key on keyboard) then select Abilities → Mount → desired mount) or thru usage of the /mount <name of mount> command (i.e., /mount raptor).
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