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General Notes


The minhocão ("big earthworm" in Portuguese) is a large earthworm-like cryptid that allegedly exists in the forests of South America.

Cryptozoologist Karl Shuker has suggested that this animal may be an example of a giant caecilian (a burrowing wormlike amphibian of a tropical order distinguished by poorly developed eyes and the lack of limbs), which fits the description of the minhocão well. However, known caecilians do not even approach the supposed size of this animal. In On the Track of Unknown Animals, Bernard Heuvelmans suggests that the animal may be a surviving glyptodont (Glyptodontinae (glyptodonts or glyptodontines) is an extinct subfamily of large, heavily armored relatives of armadillos).

Type Amorphs
Family Sandworm
Class Boosted Notorious Monster
Crystal Earth Crystal icon.png Earth Crystal
Detects True Sound


Listings by Zone
Zone Mob Information
  Abyssea - Tahrongi
     Timed respawn in (I-5)

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