Ghosts of the Past

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Ghosts of the Past
Required Fame Bastok Fame Level: 1
Starting NPC Oggbi, Port Bastok (E-6)
Pack None
Title None
Repeatable No
Description You are to go to Gusgen Mines and pass the same trial as Oggbi's former student, Cornelia. Use a pickaxe on a certain hole in the mines to lure the Wandering Ghost out. Defeat it and bring back its Miner's Pendant.
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Beat Cesti


  • Talk to Oggbi inside the Steaming Sheep Restaurant at (E-6) of Port Bastok for a cutscene.
    • You must be on Monk at level 40 or higher to receive this cutscene and start the quest. Once the quest is active you can complete the remainder on any job.
  • Obtain a Pickaxe from the Auction House or from the sources in the Notes section.
    • Recommended to get a Pickaxe from Numa at (E-7), he's in the store (Galvin's Gear) down the stairs in front of Steaming Sheep Restaurant.
  • Travel to Gusgen Mines. Go to Map 2 by heading straight ahead, down the staircase, and use the west switch to open the west door.
  • On Map 2, get to Map 3 by entering the tunnel at (F-7) and then taking the ramp down at (F-5).
  • Trade the Pickaxe to the ??? at (G-7) on Map 3 to spawn the ghost NM Wandering Ghost.
  • Defeat Wandering Ghost to obtain a Miner's Pendant.
  • Return to Port Bastok and trade the Miner's Pendant to Oggbi to complete the quest and receive your reward(s).


Pickaxe Craft.png
Purchased from...
NPC Name Zone Notes
Blingbrix Bastok Markets (S) - (I-7) 200 Gil
Ostalie Southern San d'Oria - (E-9) 184 Gil
Boytz Bastok Mines - (H-7) 184 Gil
Upih Khachla Windurst Waters (North) - (H-9) 184 Gil
Numa Port Bastok - (E-7) 184 Gil
Champalpieu Upper Jeuno - (H-6) 200 Gil
Kahah Hobichai Al Zahbi - (J-7) 200 Gil
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