Category:Template Revision

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Templates used in updating the formats of various parts of the wiki.

{{Adversary Description
|Image=           <!-- If you specify the image, it will use it. Otherwise, it will look for the Category Image, followed by the page name -->
|Class=           <!-- No longer required, use class in adversary row instead -->
|Type=            <!-- Arcana, Beasts, Beastmen, Aquans, etc. -->
|Family=          <!-- Crab, Lesser Bird, Crawler, etc. -->
|Crystal=         <!-- Only the element is required -->
|Detects=         <!-- Sight, Sound, HP, Magic, JA, True Sound, True Sight. Separate methods with a comma for auto-formatting  -->


{{Adversary Table
|Adversary Row=
{{Adversary Row
|Class=           <!-- NM, VWNM, Delve NM, ZNM, etc.  This formats the bar color and adds categories -->
|Spawns=          <!-- Number only -->
|SpawnType=       <!-- Forced, Lotto, Timed -->
|SpawnCondition=  <!-- Details -->
|Abilities=       <!--Separate with <br> or commas only -->
|Spells=          <!--Separate with <br> or commas only -->
|Traits=          <!--Separate with <br> or commas only -->
|Aggro=           <!-- yes, no, true, false, y, n, t, f -->
|FFXIDB=          <!-- Only use this if the page title or zone name is not the actual name (disambiguation reasons) -->
|MobID=          <!-- LegionDark REQUIRED for auto population of customized mob info -->
==Ability Information==
{{Bestiary Abilities Table
|Bestiary Abilities Row=
{{Bestiary Abilities Row
<!-- 1P, AoE, Conal, Gaze, etc -->
<!-- User, Enemy (Players), Allies -->
<!-- Physical, Magical, Breath -->
<!-- The element or damage type -->

Insert Adversary Rows or Ability Rows as needed:

{{Adversary Row
{{Bestiary Abilities Row
<!-- 1P, AoE, Conal, Gaze, etc -->
<!-- User, Enemy (Players), Allies -->
<!-- Physical, Magical, Breath -->
<!-- The element or damage type -->
[Expand] Bestiary
{{Bestiary Preliminary
{{Bestiary Notes Table
# Notes Here
{{Bestiary Description Table
<!-- Just the image title; do not include File: or brackets -->
<!-- Beast, Dragon, etc -->
<!-- Related version such as Wamoura:Wamouracampa; Sapling:Treants; etc -->
<!-- List the element without any formatting -->
<!-- A, S, R, I values only -->
== Abilities ==
{{Bestiary Abilities Table
|Bestiary Abilities Row=
{{Bestiary Abilities Row
<!-- 1P, AoE, Conal, Gaze, etc -->
<!-- User, Enemy (Players), Allies -->
<!-- Physical, Magical, Breath -->
<!-- The element or damage type -->

== Traits ==
{{Bestiary Traits Table
|Bestiary Traits Row=
{{Bestiary Traits Row

== Notorious Monsters ==
{{Bestiary NM Table
|Bestiary NM Row=
{{Bestiary NM Row

== Adversaries ==
{{Bestiary Adversaries Table
|Bestiary Adversaries Row=
{{Bestiary Adversaries Row

== Event Appearances ==
{{Bestiary Event Table
|Bestiary Event Row_1=
{{Bestiary Event Row
|Bestiary Event Row_2=
{{Bestiary Event Row

== Model Variation ==
<Gallery widths="100px" heights="100px" align="center">
Image:FileNameHere| Caption Here
{{Zone Preliminary
{{Zone Geography Table
|Zone Geography Row=
{{Zone Geography Row
{{Zone Description Table
== NPC ==
{{Zone NPC Table
|Zone NPC Row_1=
{{Zone NPC Row
|Zone NPC Row_2=
{{Zone NPC Row

== Notorious Monsters ==
{{Zone NM Table
|Zone NM Row=
{{Zone NM Row

== Adversaries ==
{{Zone Adversaries Table
|Zone Adversaries Row=
{{Zone Adversaries Row
{{Zone Adversaries Row

== Historical Significance ==
== Notes ==
== Maps ==
<gallery widths="100px" heights="100px" align="center">