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Gungnir description.png

Gungnir is a Relic weapon.
There are 5 items that share this name:

Please follow the above links for more information about the item. Gungnir can be upgraded via Weapon Trials.


In Norse mythology, Gungnir (also Gungni, Gungner, or Gungrir) was the name of Odin's javelin. The javelin's name means "Unwavering One" for it always hit its mark. It has the practical characteristic of always hitting the target it was hurled against (which explains why it has +20 accuracy.) According to Snorri Sturluson's Skáldskaparmál, the javelin was fashioned by the dwarves known as the Sons of Ivaldi under the mastery of the blacksmith dwarf Dvalin. It was obtained from the dwarves by Loki as a partial reparation for his theft of Sif's hair. Loki was the person who gave the spear to Odin in a contest where Odin was the judge. The war between the Aesir and the Vanir officially started when Odin threw a javelin over the heads of an assembly of Vanir gods. This was not the Gungnir though. This magical weapon symbolizes the importance of the javelin in the world view of the Norsemen.

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