Ashita Plugins

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Affinity - Allows players to set the process affinity mask via a simple in-game command.

AshitaCast - Manages gear swaps.

Bellhop - Facilitates item movement between inventories using typed commands.

Dats - Easily override DAT files from a set directory without actually replacing the original FFXI Dat files. Similar to XIPivot plugin

Deeps - Miniature damage logging in FFXI for Ashita.

Duration - Tracks buffs you've cast and when they will wear off.

GearLock - Prevents character blinking during equipment swaps.

HardwareMouse - Force-enables a hardware mouse cursor for the game client. (Useful for those using proxies such as dgVoodoo2 that mess up the cursor).

LootWhore - Automatically lot/pass/drop/store items that enter the treasure pool.

Minimap - Displays a minimap of the current area on-screen.

Multisend - Send in-game commands to other local accounts using typed commands. This is a replacement for Servo.

Packer - Automatically gathers your gear. This is a replacement for DressMe.

Repeat - used to repeat commands at a specified interval. This is an improvement to the addon called Repeater.

Shorthand - Allows more flexible typed commands.

StatusTimers - Shows how long your status effects have been active.

VNM - Renders a line in-game between the player and the VNM's position (you need to be "close-ish" to the VNM for the line to appear).

WatchExp - Allows you to watch how much EXP or Merit Points you're gaining.

WatchDog - Allows users to wide-scan track anything in a zone easily via slash (/) commands.

XIPivot - Allow dynamic loading of Mods without modification of the original DATs. Similar to Dats plugin

Installation Process

For any of the above Ashita plugins, use the following process to install:

  1. Click on the link to download the .zip file.
  2. Open the downloaded .zip file by double-clicking on it.
  3. In the downloaded .zip file, open the release folder by double-clicking on it.
  4. Left-click ONCE on the plugins folder to select it.
  5. Click on the Copy button on the Home ribbon.

Copy button.png

  1. Navigate to the folder that you Ashita installed to.
  • Click on the the Paste button on the Home ribbon.
  • </ol>

    Paste button.png

    1. If you are prompted to overwrite files, accept this!
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