Elemental Ores and Beads

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Here on HomepointXI, all Elemental Ores are low-chance drops off of Elemental-type mobs that is the same element as the desired ore (i.e., Fire Elemental → Fire Ore).

  • Pet versions of these mobs will not drop any Elemental Ores (or any drops for that matter).

The Elemental Ores are used as ingredients to be crafted into Elemental Beads of the same element (i.e., Fire Ore → Fire Bead).

The Elemental Beads are then used as ingredients to be crafted into elemental staves (i.e., Fire Bead → Fire Staff) or elemental rings (i.e., Fire Bead → Fire Ring).

Element Ore Bead
Element: Fire Fire Ore Fire Bead
Element: Ice Ice Ore Ice Bead
Element: Wind Wind Ore Wind Bead
Element: Earth Earth Ore Earth Bead
Element: Thunder Lightning Ore Lightning Bead
Element: Water Water Ore Water Bead
Element: Light Light Ore Light Bead
Element: Dark Dark Ore Dark Bead
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