I Can Hear a Rainbow

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I Can Hear a Rainbow
Required Fame Windurst Fame Level: Unknown
Starting NPC Door: House of the Hero, Windurst Walls (G-3)
Pack None
Title Rainbow Weaver
Repeatable No
Description A strange voice from within Carbuncle's Ruby is asking you to gather the seven colors of light...
Previous Quest Next Quest
None None
Ability to become a Summoner.
Ability to summon Carbuncle.


  • Obtain a Carbuncle's Ruby from a Leech family mob listed as a drop source for the item.
    • Use the HomepointXI Item Tool (click on the above link for the ruby) to ensure the leech you are fighting actually drops the ruby!
    • The drop rate is very low, so if you're specifically looking for the ruby instead of having acquired it while doing something else, consider using/asking a Thief for Treasure Hunter assistance as the regular drop rate is very low (and you might get other potentially useful drops in the process), or if you haven't learned MP Drainkiss yet as Blue Mage consider using that job to make the leech fights more useful.
  • Go to (G-3) in Windurst Walls and examine the door of the House of the Hero for a cutscene. You will be instructed to experience 7 types of weather in outdoor areas
Color Element Weather Type Possible Areas
Red Element: Fire Fire Heat Wave
Hot Spell
Cape Teriggan, Eastern Altepa Desert, Meriphataud Mountains, Rolanberry Fields, Valkurm Dunes, Western Altepa Desert, Yhoator Jungle, Yuhtunga Jungle
Orange (None) Clear Skies
Buburimu Peninsula, East Ronfaure, East Sarutabaruta, Eastern Altepa Desert, North Gustaberg, South Gustaberg, West Sarutabaruta, West Ronfaure, Yhoator Jungle
Yellow Element: Earth Earth Dust Storms
Sand Storms
Batallia Downs, Eastern Altepa Desert, Konschtat Highlands, Meriphataud Mountains, Sauromugue Champaign, Tahrongi Canyon, Valkurm Dunes, Western Altepa Desert
Green Element: Wind Wind High Winds
Buburimu Peninsula, Cape Teriggan, La Theine Plateau, Tahrongi Canyon
Blue Element: Water Water Rain
Buburimu Peninsula, Jugner Forest, La Theine Plateau, Pashhow Marshlands, Rolanberry Fields, The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah, Yuhtunga Jungle, Yhoator Jungle
Indigo Element: Ice Ice Snow
Batallia Downs, Beaucedine Glacier, Xarcabard
Violet Element: Thunder Lightning Thunder
Jugner Forest, Konschtat Highlands, Pashhow Marshlands, Sauromugue Champaign, The Sanctuary of Zi'Tah
  • To experience the weathers, they are obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area while one of above weather effects is active.
    • The Clear Skies/Sunshine weather is obtained by zoning into an outdoor, enemy-populated area with no weather effect active at all.
    • Carbuncle's Ruby needs to be in either your Inventory, Mog Satchel, Mog Sack or Mog Case for a short cutscene to trigger upon zoning into the area, where Carbuncle will remark on the color of light that you have found.
  • Zoning into an area with the above requirements (that you have not yet obtained) can be done:
    • While riding a chocobo or mount.
    • By logging out and back into the zone.
    • By using an outpost teleport into the zone.
    • By teleporting into the zone (Teleport-Dem, Nexus Cape, etc).
    • By traveling into the zone using a Cavernous Maw.
    • The weathers can be obtained on jobs lower than level 30.
  • To further clarify:
    • "Outdoor" means that you may not zone into a cave or dungeon area to obtain a color.
    • "Enemy-Populated" means that you may not zone into a town or city to obtain a color.
    • You won't experience a weather if you zone into an underground area.
    • You won't experience a weather in areas designated as beastman strongholds.
    • You cannot obtain weather effects by having a Scholar cast them on you.
    • You cannot obtain weather effects from Wings of the Goddess zones.
  • Once you have experienced all 7 weather effects, go to (G-6) in La Theine Plateau and trade the Carbuncle's Ruby to the ??? for a cutscene to complete the quest.
  • Weather Checker NPCs in each town or city can help predict when and where the weather you will be looking for will be in effect. Bear in mind, however, that these Weather Checkers are not completely accurate; some weather effects may occur on days they are not forecasted, and vice-versa.
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