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In Hindu mythology, Bhūmi is the goddess of the earth element.
In Hindu mythology, Bhūmi is the goddess of the earth element.
It is also one of the five classical elements in Hindu mythology being Bhumi/Kshiti (Earth), Ap/Jala (Water), Tejas/Agni (fire), Marut/Pavan (Wind) and Akash/Byom (AEther/Void)
It is also one of the five classical elements in Hindu mythology being Bhumi/Kshiti (Earth), Ap/Jala (Water), Tejas/Agni (fire), Marut/Pavan (Wind) and Akash/Byom (Æther/Void)

Latest revision as of 13:48, 16 February 2024

General Notes


In Hindu mythology, Bhūmi is the goddess of the earth element.

It is also one of the five classical elements in Hindu mythology being Bhumi/Kshiti (Earth), Ap/Jala (Water), Tejas/Agni (fire), Marut/Pavan (Wind) and Akash/Byom (Æther/Void)

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Class Boosted Notorious Monster
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