Smithing Guide by EpicTaru
[Guide] Smithing to 110 by EpicTaru
Recruit (0-10)
Bronze Sheet (skill level 4): Fire Crystal + 1x Bronze Ingot
- Bronze Ingot is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft Bronze Sheet until Smithing skill is level 4.
(Handful of) Bronze Scales (skill level 10): Wind Crystal + 1x Bronze Sheet
- Bronze Sheet is available from NPC Mololo at (G-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Mhaura.
Craft (Handful of) Bronze Scales until Smithing skill is level 10, turn in Xiphos for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Xiphos: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Initiate (11-20)
Tin Ingot (skill level 15): Fire Crystal + 4x (Chunk of) Tin Ore
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Tin Ingot until Smithing skill is level 15.
Iron Ingot (skill level 20): Fire Crystal + 4x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Iron Ingot until Smithing skill is level 20, turn in Aspis for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Aspis: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Novice (21-30)
Iron Sheet (skill level 22): Fire Crystal + 1 Iron Ingot
- Iron Ingot is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft Iron Sheet until Smithing skill is level 22.
(Handful of) Iron Scales (skill level 26): Wind Crystal + 1x Iron Sheet
- Iron Sheet is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft (Handful of) Iron Scales until Smithing skill is level 26.
Tathlum (skill level 30): Wind Crystal + 1x Steel Ingot
- Steel Ingot is available from NPC Mololo at (G-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Mhaura.
Craft Tathlum until Smithing skill is level 30, turn in Bilbo for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Bilbo: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Apprentice (31-40)
Targe (skill level 35): Fire Crystal + 2x Iron Sheet + 1x Holly Lumber
- Iron Sheet is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
- Holly Lumber is available from NPC Chaupire at (E-3) in the Carpenters' Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria.
Craft Targe until Smithing skill is level 35.
(Handful of) Steel Scales (skill level 40): Wind Crystal + 1x Steel Sheet
- Steel Sheet (skill level 36):
Fire Crystal + 1x Steel Ingot
- Steel Ingot is available from NPC Mololo at (G-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Mhaura.
- Steel Sheet also is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft (Handful of) Steel Scales until Smithing skill is level 40, turn in War Pick for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - War Pick: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Journeyman (41-50)
Hibari (skill level 46): Fire Crystal + 1x Lizard Skin + 1x (Lump of) Tama-Hagane
- Lizard Skin is available from NPC Cletae at (D-8) in the Leathercraft shop in Southern San d'Oria or can be farmed.
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is available from NPC Jabbar at (F-6) (on the upper floor of Warehouse 2) in Port Bastok.
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
Tenshodo Member's Card).
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is also available from NPC Lucretia at (E-6) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria (albeit for a much higher price).
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
Craft Hibari until Smithing skill is level 46.
Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52): Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Darksteel Ingot until Smithing skill is level 50, turn in Mythril Pick for promotion, then continue crafting Darksteel Ingot until Smithing skill is level 52.
Promotion Item - Mythril Pick: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Craftsman (51-60)
Darksteel Sheet (skill level 55): Fire Crystal + 1x Darksteel Ingot
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore.
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft Darksteel Sheet until Smithing skill is level 55.
(Handful of) Dark(steel) Scales (skill level 59): Wind Crystal + 1x Darksteel Sheet
- Darksteel Sheet (skill level 55):
Fire Crystal + 1x Darksteel Ingot.
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore.
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Craft (Handful of) Dark(steel) Scales until Smithing skill is level 59, turn in Darksteel Falchion for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Darksteel Falchion: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Artisan (61-70)
(Handful of) Darksteel(Dst.) Bolt Heads (skill level 62): Wind Crystal + 1x Darksteel Ingot
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore.
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
Craft (Handful of) Darksteel(Dst.) Bolt Heads until Smithing skill is level 62.
Nodowa (skill level 66): Earth Crystal + 1x Iron Sheet + 1x (Spool of) Silk Thread
- Iron Sheet is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks
- (Spool of) Silk Thread is available from NPC Meriri at (F-12) in the Clothcraft Guild shop in Windurst Woods or can be farmed.
Craft Nodowa until Smithing skill is level 66.
Hien (skill level 70): Fire Crystal + 1x Darksteel Ingot + 1x Lizard Skin
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- Lizard Skin is available from NPC Cletae at (D-8) in the Leathercraft shop in Southern San d'Oria or can be farmed.
Craft Hein until Smithing skill is level 70, turn in Bascinet for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Bascinet: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Adept (71-80)
Dark Bronze Ingot (skill level 74): Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Tin Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Copper Ore
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Copper Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Dark Bronze Ingot until Smithing skill is level 74.
(Handful of) Karimata(Kari.) Arrowheads (skill level 79): Wind Crystal + 1x Iron Ingot + 1x (Lump of) Tama-Hagane
- Iron Ingot is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) (on the upper floor of Warehouse 2) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is available from NPC Jabbar at (F-6) in Port Bastok.
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
Tenshodo Member's Card).
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is also available from NPC Lucretia at (E-6) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria (albeit for a much higher price).
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
Craft (Handful of) Karimata(Kari.) Arrowheads until Smithing skill is level 79, turn in Bastard Sword for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Bastard Sword: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Veteran (81-90)
Darksteel Nodowa (skill level 83): Earth Crystal + 1x Darksteel Sheet + 1x (Spool of) Silk Thread
- Darksteel Sheet (skill level 55):
Fire Crystal + 1x Darksteel Ingot
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Iron Ore.
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks.
- Darksteel Ingot (skill level 52):
- (Spool of) Silk Thread is available from NPC Meriri at (F-12) in the Clothcraft Guild shop in Windurst Woods or can be farmed.
Craft Darksteel Nodawa until Smithing skill level is 83.
Dark Adaman (Ingot) (skill level 86): Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Adaman Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Adaman Ore can be purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Dark Adaman Ingot until Smithing skill level is 86.
Adaman Ingot (skill level 90): Fire Crystal + 3x (Chunk of) Adaman Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Adaman Ore can be purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Adaman Ingot until Smithing skill is level 90, turn in Celata for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Celata: While this is obviously craftable, !ah also stocks it so just buy it!
Expert (91-100+)
Adaman Chain (skill level 94): Earth Crystal + 2x Adaman Ingot
- Adaman Ingot (skill level 90):
Fire Crystal + 3x (Chunk of) Adaman Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Adaman Ore can be purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
Craft Adaman Chain until Smithing skill level is 94.
Thokcha Ingot (skill level 98): Fire Crystal + 4x (Chunk of) Thokcha Ore
- (Chunk of) Thokcha Ore can purchased from !ah orcan be farmed.
Craft Thokcha Ingot until Smithing skill level is 98, turn in Gorkhali Kukri (signed) for promotion, then continue on.
Promotion Item - Gorkhali Kukri (signed) (skill level 100):Inferno Crystal (purchase from !shop 1) + 1x Ancient Lumber + 1x Thokcha Ingot + 1x (Square of) Griffon Leather • Ancient Lumber (requires Woodworking skill level 72):
Wind Crystal + 1x Petrified Log • Petrified Log can be purchased from !ah or can be farmed. • Thokcha Ingot (skill level 98):
Fire Crystal + 4x (Chunk of) Thokcha Ore • (Chunk of) Thokcha Ore can be purchased from !ah or can be farmed. • (Square of) Griffon Leather (requires Leathercraft skill level 97):
Dark Crystal + 1x Griffon Hide + 1x Willow Log + 1x (Flask of) Distilled Water • Griffon Hide can be purchased from Goblin trader Lootblox at (J-7) (at the entrance of Davoi) or can be farmed. • Willow Log is available from NPC Chaupire at (E-3) in the Carpenters' Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria. • (Flask of) Distilled Water is available from NPC Kueh Igunahmori at (D-8) in the Leathercraft Guild shop in Southern San d'Oria.
Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101): Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Tin Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Zinc Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Zinc Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore only can be farmed.
Craft Bismuth Ingot until Smithing skill level is 101.
Bismuth Sheet (skill level 102): Fire Crystal + 1x Bismuth Ingot
- Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Tin Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Zinc Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Zinc Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore only can be farmed.
Craft Bismuth Sheet until Smithing skill level is 102.
Sasuke Shuriken (skill level 107) (also requires Goldsmithing level 60): Wind Crystal + 1x (Lump of) Tama-Hagane + 1x (Vial of) Mercury + 1x Bismuth Sheet
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is available from NPC Jabbar at (F-6) (on the upper floor of Warehouse 2) in Port Bastok.
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
Tenshodo Member's Card).
- (Lump of) Tama-Hagane is also available from NPC Lucretia at (E-6) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria (albeit for a much higher price).
- This is a Tenshodo Guild Merchant and will only respond to Tenshodo Guild members (you must have
- (Vial of) Mercury is available from NPC Maymunah at (K-7) in the Alchemy Guild shop in Bastok Mines or can be farmed.
- Bismuth Sheet (skill level 102):
Fire Crystal + 1x Bismuth Ingot
- Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Tin Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Zinc Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Zinc Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore only can be farmed.
- Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101):
Craft Sasuke Shuriken until Smithing skill level is 107.
Shabti Cuirass (skill level 109): Fire Crystal + 1x Gold Ingot + 2x (Square of) Ram Leather + 1x (Vial of) Mercury + 4x Bismuth Sheet
- Gold Ingot (requires Goldsmithing skill level 53):
Fire Crystal + 4x (Chunk of) Gold Ore
- Gold Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Square of) Ram Leather (skill level 35):
Dark Crystal + 1x Willow Log + 1x Ram Skin + 1x (Flask of) Distilled Water
- Willow Log is available from NPC Chaupire at (E-3) in the Woodworking Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria.
- Ram Skin is available from NPC Kueh Igunahmori at (D-8) in the Leathercraft Guild shop in Southern San d'Oria or can be farmed.
- (Flask of) Distilled Water is available from NPC Kueh Igunahmori at (D-8) in the Leathercraft Guild shop in Southern San d'Oria.
- (Vial of) Mercury is available from NPC Maymunah at (K-7) in the Alchemy Guild shop in Bastok Mines or can be farmed.
- Bismuth Sheet (skill level 102):
Fire Crystal + 1x Bismuth Ingot
- Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Tin Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Zinc Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore
- (Chunk of) Tin Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Zinc Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Bismuth Ore only can be farmed.
- Bismuth Ingot (skill level 101):
Craft Shabti Cuirass until Smithing skill level is 109.
At the time of writing this guide (April 2023), the only Smithing recipes (that are level 110 or higher) with items available here on HomepointXI are:
Sukezane (skill level 110) (also requires Goldsmithing skill level 60 and Woodworking skill level 60): Fire Crystal + 1x Brass Ingot + 3x Adaman Ingot + 1x (Spool of) Cotton Thread + 1x (Square of) Manta Leather + 1x (Chunk of) Kunwu Iron + 1x Yggdreant Bole
- Brass Ingot (requires Goldsmithing skill level 9):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Zinc Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Copper Ore
- (Chunk of) Zinc Ore is available from NPC Teerth at (H-8) in the Goldsmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Markets or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Copper Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- Adaman Ingot (skill level 90):
Fire Crystal + 3x (Chunk of) Adaman Ore + 1x (Chunk of) Iron Ore
- (Chunk of) Adaman Ore only can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Iron Ore is available from NPC Amulya at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or can be farmed.
- (Spool of) Cotton Thread is available from NPC Kuzah Hpirohpon at (F-12) in the Clothcraft Guild shop in Windurst Woods or can be farmed.
- (Square of) Manta Leather (requires Leathercraft skill level 73):
Dark Crystal + 1x Willow Log + 1x Manta Skin + 1x (Flask of) Distilled Water
- Willow Log is available from NPC Chaupire at (E-3) in the Woodworking Guild shop in Northern San d'Oria.
- Manta Skin only can be farmed.
- (Flask of) Distilled Water is available from NPC Kueh Igunahmori at (D-8) in the Leathercraft Guild shop in Southern San d'Oria.
- (Chunk of) Kunwu Iron (skill level 90):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore + 3x (Chunk of) Kunwu Ore
- (Chunk of) Darksteel Ore is available from NPC Vicious Eye at (E-9) in the Blacksmiths' Guild shop in Bastok Metalworks or purchased from !ah or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Kunwu Ore only can be farmed.
- Yggdreant Bole only can be farmed.
Pamun (skill level 113) (also requires Goldsmithing skill level 60): Fire Crystal + 1x Damascus Ingot + 1x Ormolu Ingot + 1x Piece Of Habu Skin + 1x Bztavian Wing
- Damascus Ingot (skill level 103):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Pile of) Relic Iron + 1x (Chunk of) Wootz Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Vanadium Ore
- (Pile of) Relic Iron can be purchased from Goblin trader Lootblox at (J-7) (at the entrance of Davoi) or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Wootz Ore can be purchased from Goblin trader Haggleblix at (E-7) (at the entrance of Beadeaux) or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Vanadium Ore only can be farmed.
- Ormolu Ingot only can be farmed.
- Piece Of Habu Skin only can be farmed.
- Bztavian Wing only can be farmed.
Malfeasance (skill level 115) (also requires Alchemy skill level 60 and Woodworking skill level 60): Fire Crystal + 3x Damascus Ingot + 1x Ormolu Ingot + 1x Squamous Hide + 1x Yggdreant Bole + 1x Hades' Claw + 1x Tartarian Soul
- Damascus Ingot (skill level 103):
Fire Crystal + 1x (Pile of) Relic Iron + 1x (Chunk of) Wootz Ore + 2x (Chunk of) Vanadium Ore
- (Pile of) Relic Iron can be purchased from Goblin trader Lootblox at (J-7) (at the entrance of Davoi) or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Wootz Ore can be purchased from Goblin trader Haggleblix at (E-7) (at the entrance of Beadeaux) or can be farmed.
- (Chunk of) Vanadium Ore only can be farmed.
- Ormolu Ingot only can be farmed.
- Squamous Hide only can be farmed.
- Yggdreant Bole only can be farmed.
- Hades' Claw only can be farmed.
- Tartarian Soul only can be farmed.
Aside from the above recipes, you also have the option of attempting to skill-up by repeatedly crafting a lower level synth. Be warned though, the chance of getting a skill-up for a lower-level synth is incredibly small! You may have to literally craft hundreds of lower-level synths in hopes of getting a skill-up through this alternate method.
- Kitron Macarons should be used, as well as any armor items that increase crafting skill-up chances to give this method the best chances possible for skill-ups....but even so, the chance is still incredibly small!
Congrats on achieving Smithing skill level 110!