Server Transfer Process
This topic is to serve as helpful information regarding the server transfer application and process that is now part of HomepointXI. Please note that all of this information is subject to change at any time, without warning. This process and tool(s) used to make it happen are new and will be in the works for a while to fine-tune things and tweak them just right to HomepointXI's standards. I am personally working with the HomepointXI staff to bring this tool to their server to offer players of other servers the ability to come and play on HomepointXI but without losing [most] of their hard-work from other places.
What is this for? What does it mean? What what what..? Server transferring is for players who wish to move their current character from another server to HomepointXI's server. Server transferring helps prevent having to start from ground zero with a new character, leveling, gearing, etc. Instead, with the HomepointXI Private Server Server Character Exporter tool, users can export their current character data from one server to HomepointXI. With the simple click of launching an application, you are seconds away from beginning your transfer process! |
Transferring Characters
How many characters can I migrate to HomepointXI?
As of 5/7/2016 we allow you to transfer only 1 character through the transfer process. Anyone found abusing this rule will be subject to character and item deletion and will no longer be allowed to use the character transfer process.
I play on 'x' server, will this work for me?
99.9% of the time, yes. The exporting tool should work on any server, including retail. The language/region of the game does not matter for imports. Please note though, the tool is designed to work with the latest game client, so if your server is not running on the latest game client, you may experience some issues trying to export your character. (Old versions of the export tool may be available depending on requirements for the importing backend, but no guarantees there.)
How does this work?
The exporting tool reads the local memory of the client for various amounts of data. This data is then exported to a HomepointXI-specific data file that is readable by our private importing tool. There is no illegal activities happening, the database of the server you are transferring from is not touched or harmed. (Please do not listen to the idiots that try to tell you this tool will harm their server and not to use it.)
NOTE: You must wait for your character to FULLY load on the origin server before running the HomepointXI Export Tool! Failure to follow this instruction will result in items and settings missing from within your exported character file
What, if any, limitations are there? What will be imported from my profile?
While we want you to not feel like you are losing anything, we do have to put some restrictions on characters being imported to the HomepointXI server. Because various servers have different custom content, different level caps, different economies, and so on, we have set some restrictions in place while the import process happens. The following is what will and will not be imported with your profile:
- General Character Data
- Your character name will be imported. However if the name is taken, we will use a different name of your choice while importing.
- Your race / hair style will be imported.
- Your model size WILL NOT be imported.
- Your main job level that you are currently on will be imported, up to level 99.
- Your nation will be imported.
- Your rank WILL NOT be imported.
- Your limit and merit points will be imported.
- Your spent merit points WILL NOT be imported.
- Job Levels
- Your main job level that you are on at time of export will be imported, up to level 99.
- Your sub job WILL NOT be imported. (You must go and complete the subjob quest manually after your character has been imported.)
- All other jobs will be imported up to level 75. This means if any job you have is 76+ it will be capped to 75. So if you had every job at 99 on another server, only your main job you exported your data on will be 99, the rest will be capped to 75.
- NOTE: Even though you can transfer over your main job at whatever level (up to level 99) it was at time of export, and all other jobs higher than 75 capped at 75, you MUST still beat Maat here for the capped jobs/lower level jobs to level higher than level 75/70 (respectively).
- Skills (Combat / Craft)
- Your combat skills will be imported. (Combat and Magic categories.) (See the Notes section for more info.)
- Your craft skills WILL NOT be imported. (See the Notes section for more info.)
- Currency
- Your gil will be imported. (However, gil imported is capped up to 1 million. Anything higher is ignored.)
- Your other currencies WILL NOT be imported. (Conquest, Beastman Seals, Kindred Seals, etc.)
- Key Items / Missions / Quests
- Your key items WILL NOT be imported. (See the Notes section for more info.)
- Your mission data WILL NOT be imported. (See the Notes section for more info.)
- Your quest data WILL NOT be imported. (See the Notes section for more info.)
- Inventory / Storage
- Your inventory, safe, storage, locker, satchel, sack, case, and wardrobe items will all be imported.
- Any armor / weapon over level 75 WILL NOT be imported.
- Any relics / mythics / etc. WILL NOT be imported.
- Various items are BLOCKED from being imported. Some of these are:
- Kraken Club
- Defending Ring
- Octave Club
- Various items do not work or are missing on private servers. Any item missing from the database WILL NOT be imported.
- Extra item data WILL NOT be imported. (This includes data like signatures, augments, weapon-skill points, etc.)
- Skills (Combat / Craft) Notes
- Because of how the client handles this data, at this time only the skills present on your main character will be imported. In a future version of the export tool, this may be adjusted to work with all skills across all jobs etc. But for now just the main job you are on at the time of the export will have its skills dumped.
- Craft skills WILL NOT be imported.
- Instead, after your character is imported, contact a GM to have one of the craft levels from your exported profile restored.
- Spells (whether they are already learned or in the form of scrolls in inventories) WILL NOT be imported.
I imported my profile before, and now you support 'x'. Can I have that imported from my previous export?
Sorry, but no. At this time, all imports are final. Once the import process is completed, no data will be altered / adjusted for you. (Excluding crafting information that a GM must set for you.)
Skills (Combat / Craft)
- Because of how the client handles this data, at this time only the combat skills present on your main character will be imported. In a future version of the export tool, this may be adjusted to work with all skills across all jobs etc. But for now just the main job you are on at the time of the export will have its combat skills dumped.
- Craft skills WILL NOT be imported.
- Instead, after your character is imported, you must open a ticket on Github to have a GM restore the level(s) of your craft(s) from your exported profile.
- If you are transferring from a retail server, one craft skill higher than 60 (but not to exceed 100) will be restored. All other sub-crafts over 60 will be limited to level 60 for the transfer.
- If you are transferring from another private server, only one craft skill will be transferred.
- In either case, you must specify, in the Github ticket, which craft skill (if there are multiple) is the one that is to be set.
- Instead, after your character is imported, you must open a ticket on Github to have a GM restore the level(s) of your craft(s) from your exported profile.
Key Items / Missions / Quests
- Because of custom content, the state of DSP's mission and quest data, etc., we WILL NOT be importing any mission or quest data from exported profiles. There are too many conflicts that could happen, too many variables that would need to be applied to profiles being imported, etc. It is just more of a headache then it is worth to import. This means you will have to go back and do all the quests and missions you had done before on the previous server. **Key items WILL NOT be imported due to these issues as well.**
The HomepointXIExport Tool
Download The HomepointXIExport Tool
- Applicants will need to install the following for this to work:
- (Only download the 32bit versions of these files. (The ones with x86 in the name.) This tool and EliteAPI.dll DO NOT use 64bit code and are not compiled for 64bit use. Installing the 64bit versions will not make this work.)
WAIT!!! Please note the following! This tool requires a specific .dll file (EliteAPI.dll) to work. This .dll does update often when the game updates too so you will need to make sure you download the latest version of this .dll before using the export tool! If you do not, then the export tool will not work properly and possibly crash. You can download the latest EliteAPI here:
How To Use The HomepointXIExport Tool
- Log fully into your character on whichever server you wish to export your character from. Make sure your client has finished loading the character, this can several minutes (depending on your connection speed) after your character is able to move around in the game world!
- You must wait for your character to FULLY load on the origin server before running the HomepointXI Export Tool! Failure to follow this instruction will result in items and settings missing from within your exported character file
- You must use Ashita to load into your character on the server you wish to export your character from. Usage of Windower for this purpose does not work!!!
- Ashita is downloaded from this link:
- Switch to the main job / sub job that you specifically play the most and want to be your fully exported job.
- Run the export tool. (Be sure to run it as an Administrator! Right-Click -> Run As Administrator)
- Rename the exported character profile file to the name of the character you wish to import it to on our server.
- Zip up your exported profile. (Charactername.xml which can be found in the same folder as the export tool.)
- If you have craft information you wish to have imported, please take a screenshot of your craft levels!
- Create a new character on our server with the name you wish to import the character to. (It should match the name you made the exported profile file!) DO NOT LEVEL THIS CHARACTER PRIOR TO THE IMPORT BEING COMPLETED!!!
- Make a new thread here on our forums:
- In the new thread be sure to title it the name of the character you are importing.
Please Note: Before you export a character, disable all plugins/addons for Ashita, as well as any other third-party tools. For the best results, everything extra should be disabled!
Please Note: You must replace furnishings and zone before items in you storage will appear.