Pandemonium Warden

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General Notes

Getting There

  • From Aht Urhgan Whitegate or Al Zhabi, exit out to Wajaom Woodlands.
  • In Wajaom Woodlands, proceed to the zone into Aydeewa Subterrane (Map 7) at (F-11).
  • On Aydeewa Subterrane (Map 7), proceed north-west to the ???, located in the upper right-hand area of (K-7).


Pandæmonium" (American English "Pandemonium") stems from Greek "παν", meaning "all" or "every", and "δαιμόνιον", meaning "little spirit" or "little angel", or, as Christians interpreted it, "little daemon", and later, "demon" (thus roughly translated as "All Demons"). It is the name invented by John Milton for the capital of Hell, "the High Capital, of Satan and his Peers", built by the fallen angels at the suggestion of Mammon at the end of Book I, Paradise Lost (1667). A comparison in meaning can be made with "pantheon", which refers to all of the gods. Book II begins with the debate among the demons in the council-chamber of Pandæmonium. The demons built it in about an hour, but it far surpassed all human palaces or dwellings; it may have been small, though, since the demons are described as shrinking from their titanic size in order to fit in.

In terms of Vana'diel, the title implies that the Pandemonium Warden is of demonic nature, possibly a guardian of Hades; Vana'diel's underworld. The choice of Aydeewa Subterrane for his location, and whether or not there is any sort of link to the story is as of yet unknown. It is also noteworthy that most or all of the Pandemonium Lamps summoned by Pandemonium Warden are in reference to creatures existing in Greek and Roman mythology.

Pandemonium Warden
Type Demons
Family Dvergr
Job Summoner
Class Zeni Notorious Monster


Listings by Zone
Zone Mob Information
  Aydeewa Subterrane
     Trade a Pandemonium Key to the ??? located at (K-7) on Map 7.

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