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Nirvana description.png

Nirvana is a Mythic weapon.
There are 5 items that share this name:

Please follow the above links for more information about the item. Nirvana can be upgraded via Weapon Trials.


A powerful staff imbued with the state of gnostic enlightenment that its name implies. Once a sacred relic of the Walahra Temple, it was stolen by Balrahn to combat the twisted thaumaturgy of the denizens of the evil realms. After bonding to Balrahn and making his will its own, it was no longer able to be returned, and remained in his possession. The exact circumstances of this phenomenon are not altogether clear and shrouded in esoteric mystery.

"Nirvana", or "Nibbāna," the closest meaning of the word Nirvana in Western culture would be "Heaven". Nirvana is a word used by the Buddha to describe the perfect peace of the mind that is free from craving, anger and other afflictive states (kilesa). This peace, which is in reality the fundamental nature of the mind, is revealed when the root causes of the afflictive states are dissolved. The causes themselves lie deep within the mind (that part of the mind that Western psychology calls the subconscious) but their undoing is gradually achieved by living a disciplined life. In Nibbana, the root causes of craving and aversion have been extinguished such that one is no longer subject to human suffering (dukkha) or further states of rebirths in samsara (cycle of reincarnation).

In Final Fantasy X, Yuna's Celestial Weapon is called the Nirvana.

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