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Amanomurakumo description.png

Amanomurakumo is a Relic weapon.
There are 5 items that share this name:

Please follow the above links for more information about the item. Amanomurakumo can be upgraded via Weapon Trials.


In Japanese Mythology, Amanomurakumo no tsurugi (天の群雲の剣; Sword of the Gathering Clouds of Heaven) is the Divine Sword of Susanoo, a Violent God. He obtained this sword by slaying the monster serpent with 8 heads, Yamata no orochi, and later devoted the sword to his sister, Amateratsu, Goddess of the Sun. Once in the possession of Amaterasu, it became known as Kusanagi no tsurugi and was one of three elements (sword, mirror, and ornamental bead) that made the symbol of the Emperor's Throne, called "The Three Sacred Treasures".

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